Facelift Surgery

A Facelift is also known as Rhytidectomy. Facelift surgery is often the first choice surgery for those men and women who no longer feel satisfied with what they see in the mirror and want to achieve a younger look and improve the signs of ageing like saggy skin on the face and neck and deep wrinkles around the nose and mouth. With our face lift prices you can save up to 70% on the UK facelift cost.

APPLY FOR FACELIFT CONSULTATION Consultations are free and you are under no obligation
From £2,030 price in UK starts from £ 6,000
The main reasons
  • Experienced Facelift surgeons
  • Affordable price
  • Availability
  • Short booking periods
2 - 3 hours
Local or general
1 month
Clinic stay:
1 night
Total stay:
7 days
Back to work:
14 days


face lift surgery img

It has been said that having the facelift surgery is like setting the clocks back, to the time before the gravity and the ageing process had started to take its toll on a person’s facial appearance.

Our skilled surgeons can advise on the type of facelift most suitable to get rid of saggy jowls, a double chin, marionette lines and a tired-looking appearance.

Other frequently performed surgeries with the facelift surgery are the eyelid lift surgery, the Brow Lift and nose reshaping.



Facelift prices come with a perfect combination of services within it. In order to make your surgery as convenient as possible, you will receive the surgery treatment, pre and post-operation examinations, surgeon consultations, your accommodation at the hospital while necessary. You may find our extra services highly attractive too and these are included in the package:

  • Our PA welcoming you at the airport,
  • Driving you from the airport to the apartment house,
  • Our PA’s company while all agreed treatments,
  • Non-stop service (on phone duty, emails),
  • After-care advice,
  • Driving you to the airport on your leave.



Face Lift Surgerycorrection of overhanging skin on the face from 2,350 € £ 2,030
Neck Lift Surgerycorrection of platysma muscles with incision under the chin 1,550 € £ 1,340
Face Lift incl. Neck Lift Surgerycorrection of overhanging skin on the face, incl. neck from 2,890 € £ 2,490
Deep Plane Face Liftcorrection of deep facial structures 4,590 € £ 3,870
Deep Plane Face Lift incl. Deep Plane Neck Liftcorrection of deep facial structures and overhanging skin incl. neck 5,290 € £ 4,450


There are no hidden charges!


There are different types of face lift surgeries and different techniques for performing them. They vary from so-called “lunchtime lifts”, ( thread lifts, feather lifts) with limited lasting effect, to longer-lasting effect facelift surgeries, like endoscopic lifts for brow and mid-face lifts and traditional SMAS facelift and short incision MACS facelift. However, this is a very simplified way of explaining the facelift.

The actual procedure is much more complex and the type of facelift most suitable for you depends on what you would like to achieve with the facelift surgery.

Our skilled surgeons will be able to advise you on the type of facelift most suitable for you and our highly trained staff will explain all that you want and need to know about any of the procedures.


Consultations are free and you are under no obligation


SMAS Facelift

Generally, with the traditional facelift, the incisions start in the hairline above the ear and extend down in the natural crease in the front of the ear down around the earlobe and into the hairline behind the ear. Through this incision, the surgeon will reposition or remove the fat tissue, tighten the facial muscles and membrane. The excess skin will be removed and the incisions closed with dissolvable stitches.

MACS Facelift

Short scar face lift or MACS facelift is performed placing shorter incisions. The tightening of the facial muscles and membrane together with the fat removal is then performed through those incisions.

Generally, facelift surgery takes about 3 hours to complete. Sometimes, when other surgeries are carried out in the facial area, like the eyelid lift, brow lift, nose reshaping etc. the surgery can take longer to complete.

Deep Plane Facelift

The Deep Plane Facelift reaches into the deep structures of the face, below the level of SMAS, where it can more effectively improve the aesthetics of the client's face.

The method works deep in the skin tissues, where it can change the structure of the face, release ligaments, and reposition excess skin and fat.



“ A face lift for my 50th that was the present I wanted and that’s what I did, with the help and commitment from the staff of New Look Holiday. Dr Turkin was fantastic. From the first meeting at the airport to my return home, the operation and aftercare were professional and sincere. Without no hesitation, I would recommend New Look Holiday to anybody. Thank you ”
PAM Face lift


For the Facelift surgery, the best candidates are men and women who are no longer happy with the changes in their faces that inevitably come with age or after a significant weight loss.

  • If you have saggy skin and have lost the muscle tone in the facial area.
  • If you have visible fat deposits on areas of your face.
  • Deep creases down the sides of the mouth and nose.
  • Saggy jowls.
  • Double chin or saggy skin on the neck.

If you are in good health and desire to look younger, the face lift surgery can help you achieve just that. It can help.

You can achieve a more youthful appearance and help you to look less tired. But it can't give you a totally different look, nor can it restore the health and vitality of your youth.


Consultations are free and you are under no obligation



A facelift is not considered a painful procedure, therefore you are not expected to be in great discomfort after the facelift surgery.

Your face will probably feel "tight" and uncomfortable. You will need to wear a supportive bandage on your head following the face lift procedure and will be advised to wear it for a period of time. Some bruising and swelling will be present, but this should subside and diminish after a couple of weeks. You can experience numbness in some areas of your face following the facelift surgery. This should improve after a few weeks or months.

Most of the scars are skilfully hidden in the hairline, the others will fade away in time and will be hardly noticeable. Any pain you may experience can be relieved by medication.



See Tracy's story from her cosmetic surgery journey with New Look Holiday.

Tracy, aged 53 from Eastbourne - See Tracy's story from her cosmetic surgery journey with New Look Holiday. Tracy underwent Facelift incl. Neck lift, Tummy tuck and Liposuction.

Tracy's cosmetic surgery story



You will need to take it easy for a week or two after facelift surgery, sleep with your head elevated, avoid sudden movements, strenuous activity, bending and chewing on hard foods.

Our medical staff will advise you on how to wash your hair and face and how to apply makeup. Applying cold compresses also helps to bring the swelling down. Some clients return to work as soon as one week after the facelift surgery, others take two or more weeks away from work to recuperate.

To ensure proper healing and achieve the best possible result from your facelift surgery, you need to remember to follow the advice about aftercare.

Real stories

They looked after us from the minute we arrived to Kosice through the whole stay and what's the most important is that I am more than happy...
Read Hikmat's story
After speaking to many places, New Look Holiday seemed as the best one as all my worries and questions were answered. I am even happier with...
Read Lindsey's story
It was excellent, as it's very friendly and they made me feel I wasn't one of many. I am a happy lady as the result is excellent. Dr Turkin...
Read Rosemarie's story
APPLY FOR FACELIFT CONSULTATION Consultations are free and you are under no obligation

Alternative methods to the surgical face lift are: removal of wrinkles using injectable fillers, laser skin rejuvenating treatments, chemical peel, abrasive methods such as dermabrasion and similar applications.

Whether the results of these methods and their durability correspond to the conceptions of the patient should be determined in each individual case during a personal consultation with the specialist. A durable alternative to the classical face lift is given with the Aptos lift.

Normal activities can be resumed after 2-3 weeks. It is advisable however, to wait at least two months if a perfect appearance is required. After the Aptos Face Lift normal activities can usually be resumed on the day  after the operation.

For a few days after the operation no makeup should be used.

Some patients have small areas of fat around the face, mostly at the neck under the chin, and in the folds between the bottom of the nose and the corners of the mouth. This fat is removed by liposuction with very small suction cannulae. Incisions can be made in hidden locations such as inside the nose, at the corner of the mouth and under the chin.

Liposuction of the face is usually performed at the same time as a face lift. The most common areas to be treated are the neck and chin area.


Our cosmetic surgeons are highly qualified with many years of experience in cosmetic surgery and are licensed and certified to perform Facelift surgery. Their work is always followed by meticulous ethic and new methods. Slovak legislation guarantees the most stringent security measures in accordance with European standards.

MD Jarmila Hudakova

Dr Hudakova is one of the very few female Plastic Surgeons in Slovakia, giving both men and women the...
View DR HUDAKOVA's profile »

MD Juraj Gajdos, MBA

MUDr Juraj Gajdos MBA, we are pleased to work with such a talented and skilled surgeon, whom work is...
View DR GAJDOS's profile »
APPLY FOR FACELIFT CONSULTATION Consultations are free and you are under no obligation


Having the Face lift surgery is not going to make you look like someone else, but is going to make you look years younger.

If you have realistic expectations from the Facelift surgery then you will most probably be very satisfied with the results and enjoy the new youthful appearance. You may find the stitches in your hairline will take longer to heal and men might need to shave slightly differently (behind the ears). The longevity of the facelift surgery, like the ageing process, depends on a person’s genetics, but there is something you can do to help for it to last longer. Try to avoid smoking, exposure to the sun, stress and adapt to a healthier lifestyle.

Generally, the effect of the Facelift lasts 5 to 10 years, depending on the type of facelift you received.



The number one benefit of facelift surgery is the achievement of a more youthful appearance. The simple fact of looking younger will hopefully also make you feel younger. It will make you more confident and increase your self-esteem.

  • You will look younger and fresher.
  • Your skin will be smoother, firmer and with fewer wrinkles.
  • You will look less tired and rejuvenated.
  • Facelift performed abroad will save you up to 70% compared with the UK prices.
  • Availability and short booking period with New Look Holiday



When deciding to undergo the facelift, you need to take into consideration:

  • The time you will need to take off of work and the adjustment to your exercise regime, diet and family life.
  • Even though you will be advised to wear a supportive bandage, you can take it off to just go down the shop or pick up your children from school.
  • If you are not feeling comfortable with going out immediately following your facelift surgery, you will need to make arrangements for someone to run the errands for you.


Consultations are free and you are under no obligation



In order to minimize risks and possible complications of Facelift surgery, we always choose our clients carefully. Strict medical standards and measurements are followed within every surgery, certified surgeons and assisting staff, who are highly professional and experienced, are there to precede your surgery. If you are concerned about possible complications, don’t hesitate to contact us and we will give you a free consultation or try to discuss this topic with your GP. 

You are at increased risk of complications if you have diabetes, poor circulation, heart, lung or liver disease, smoke, have a family history of blood clots, take certain medications, etc. You must disclose all these conditions to the surgeon before booking your face lift surgery.

The less common complications of face lift surgery include:

  • Bruising and swelling - usually settles after 1-2 weeks, but sometimes can take up to a month or more.
  • Wounds may take longer to heal, there may be some bleeding and infection may require treatment with antibiotics.
  • A chest infection may develop after a general anaesthetic.
  • In extremely rare cases, a blood clot may develop, which could be risky if it moves to the heart, brain or lungs.
  • A sore throat may develop after breathing through the breathing tube used during anaesthesia.
  • In a few cases, surgical scars can develop that are pink, raised and irregularly shaped. These flatten and disappear over time after face lift surgery.



The recommended stay in Kosice, Slovakia for face lift surgery is 7 days.



View before and after pictures of the Facelift procedures performed abroad by the New Look Holiday surgeons.



SMAS Facelift incl. Neck lift and Eyelid lift Before and After


Consultations are free and you are under no obligation


Apply for free consultation


Facelift surgery £ 2,030
Tummy Tuck £ 2,060
Breast Lift   £ 2,390
Eyelid Lift £ 1,250
Neck Lift   £ 1,340
Brow Lift £ 1,430
Nose Surgery £ 1,890
Breast Augmentation £ 3,270
Breast Reduction £ 2,750


No hidden charges!


The consultations are free and you are under no obligation. Firstly we will send you reply by e-mail in 24 hours with more details of your stay which will give an overview of the chosen cosmetic surgery procedure with a link to an online Medical Questionnaire. Alternatively you can complete a Medical Questionnaire now.