MD Oleg Turkin PhD

Face rejuvenation through the eyes of plastic surgeon

Common wishes and similar to these are the usual ones which clients often come with. Many of them can be fulfilled and clients can be treated using conventional methods and...
Types of plastic surgery
New Look Holiday

What is Body lift?

Many people are left with excessive sagging skin due to the loss of significant amount of weight. The reasons might be diet, bariatric surgery or some diseases. The excess skin...
Types of plastic surgery
New Look Holiday

Your imperfection can be corrected by rhinoplasty

Our look is one of the elements that make our personal and professional life happy. Therefore, improving our look can be beneficial throughout our whole lifetime. Nose, thanks...
Types of plastic surgery
New Look Holiday

What is Liposuction?

Liposuction is a surgical procedure by which excess fat is manually broken up and then vacuumed out of the body through a rigid, hollow, blunt – ended tube called a cannula.
Types of plastic surgery
New Look Holiday

How is nasal hump removal performed?

Nasal hump removal is very common and popular procedure. Humps usually fall into one of the following three categories: a pseudo hump, a concealed hump and true humps.
Types of plastic surgery
New Look Holiday

About Tummy tuck

The art of a professional aesthetic surgeon lies in the right indication. They need many years of experience to do this. It is possible to achieve satisfying results without...
Types of plastic surgery
New Look Holiday

Facelift using the tumescence technique

It is not known exactly when the first facelift was carried out. This procedure originated in Europe in the nineteenth century. The first facelifts though, consisted of only...
Types of plastic surgery
New Look Holiday

New Laser Liposuction Technology

Don't worry about unwanted fat, cellulite or loose skin. Indulge on a luxury premium method of treatment with the top American laser SlimLipo from the company Palomar for an...
Types of plastic surgery


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